The Challenges of Being a Franchisee

Many franchise opportunities are available for small startup capital, have minimal operational costs, and bear potential to make money in large and seemingly endless amounts. However, this doesn’t mean that running the business will not always require the owner’s presence, as several sticky situations may arise out of nowhere, and batter the franchisee with great deals of stress.

This is a fact that’s inherent to all franchise opportunities today, and is probably part of the price to pay in order to make money consistently and in huge quantities. That being said, it’s vital that the franchisee’s composure is retained at all times. Letting the pressure seep in is something that needs to be avoided, as it leads to the creation of negative thoughts, which can have indirect or even direct impacts on the business’s growth.

Two problems which may eventually be faced franchisees

1. The competition talks bad about the franchisee’s business and its management

An owner hearing his competitor talk bad about his business, as well as the his ability to effectively run it (or make money), will obviously get upset, or even retort aggressively. As much as it hurts, this type of situation should never result to a verbal or physical confrontation.

The better way to handle it would be to make arrangements for a meeting with the opponent. Formal introductions may be made, followed by a little speech about the business the competitor has been talking smack about. However, no mention of the trash talk should be made – the goal here is to turn the rival into a friend.

This can be done by earning his respect by being respectful as well. Once a friendship is formed, both companies may form strong ties. Activities such as sharing advertising, hosting joint company picnics, and more can be arranged.

2.       An employee decides to announce he’s quitting without giving a two weeks’ notice

This can be a very stressful situation, especially when most of the important tasks for the day were supposed to be handled by the quitting employee, and there’s no one else around to get them done.

If or when this happens, it’d be wise not to verbally abuse or argue with the employee in front of his coworkers. Instead, taking him to the office for a private chat focusing on why he’s leaving would be a more suitable approach. This’ll also allow you to determine whether or not any of his reasons can be remedied through a pay raise (if he’s worth it) or something else.

Again, all franchise opportunities with great capacity to make money will eventually have situations which are stressful. This is a fact that’s inherent to all franchise opportunities, and should be handled in the most professional way possible.

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